
Creates a new color, used for UI & Bricks. This is a function.


local MyPart = World.Brick
MyPart.Color =, 255, 255)

Inherited from Dynamic Set

Constructors number red = 0, number green = 0, number blue = 0 )

Creates a Color with the given red, green, and blue components. The parameters for this function should be on the range [0, 255].

Color.fromHex ( string hex )

Returns a new Color from a six- or three-character hexadecimal format. A preceding octothorpe (#) is ignored, if present. This function interprets the given string as a typical web hex color in the format RRGGBB or RGB (shorthand for RRGGBB). For example, #FFAA00 produces an orange color, and is the same as #FA0.

The color returned can be converted back into hex using Color:toHex, although it is not guaranteed to return the exact same string as passed to this function.

print(Color.fromHex("#FF0000")) --> 1, 0, 0


string Color:ToHex ( )

Converts the color to a six-character hexadecimal string representing the color in the format RRGGBB. It is not prefixed with an octothorpe (#), although this can be concatenated easily.

The returned string can be provided to Color.fromHex to produce the original color.

print(,255,255):ToHex()) --> "FFFFFF"


number Color.R

The red value of the color.

number Color.G

The green value of the color.

number Color.B

The blue value of the color.

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