Leveraging ENVService as an FFlag System

Leveraging ENVService as an FFlag System

Beyond its primary role in managing sensitive data, ENVService in BrickVerse also serves as a versatile Feature Flag (FFlag) system, empowering game creators to control and toggle various features dynamically. Feature Flags are invaluable tools for testing and deploying new functionalities, and ENVService simplifies the implementation of this system within your BrickVerse scripts.

What is an FFlag?

A Feature Flag is a toggle or switch that allows developers to enable or disable specific features in a game or application. This functionality is crucial during development, allowing for controlled testing and gradual feature rollouts without affecting the entire user base.

ENVService for Feature Flags

In BrickVerse, ENVService seamlessly doubles as a Feature Flag management system, providing an efficient way to control feature availability dynamically. Here's a simple example of using ENVService as an FFlag system:

-- Reading an FFlag
local myFeatureFlag = game.env.get("MyFeatureFlag")

-- Checking if the feature is enabled
if myFeatureFlag == true then
    -- Execute feature-specific code
    print("MyFeature is enabled!")
    -- Execute alternative code
    print("MyFeature is disabled.")

Advantages of Using ENVService for FFlags

  1. Dynamic Control: With ENVService, you can modify Feature Flags on the BrickVerse.gg website in real-time, allowing for dynamic control over your game's features without requiring script updates.

  2. Secure Implementation: As with other ENV variables, Feature Flags benefit from the security measures of game.env. Your flags are protected from unauthorized access and modifications, ensuring a secure implementation.

  3. Integration with Permissions: By utilizing ENV permissions, you can control which clients or servers have the ability to modify Feature Flags. This adds an extra layer of control over who can enable or disable specific features.

  4. Global Accessibility: Feature Flags set using ENVService are accessible globally, allowing you to control features across different parts of your universe, including worlds inheriting from their parent universe.

Best Practices for FFlag Implementation

  1. Descriptive Naming: Use clear and descriptive names for your Feature Flags to make their purpose easily understandable.

  2. Version Control: Consider versioning your Feature Flags to manage changes and transitions between different iterations of your game.

  3. Documentation: Keep documentation updated to inform collaborators and future developers about the purpose and behavior of each Feature Flag.

Incorporating ENVService as a Feature Flag system adds a new dimension to the flexibility and control you have over your game in BrickVerse, enabling you to iterate and innovate with confidence.

Last updated